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Welcome to Sanctuary Tax & Trust

For many people discussing inheritance planning is a difficult subject. With clear, straight forward advice we have helped thousands of families to protect their assets and provide financial security for their loved ones.



With over 20 years of industry knowledge and expertise we have helped thousands of families to plan their inheritance, be it a simple Will, Powers of Attorney, an Asset Trust or a complex Inheritance Tax issue.



We understand many of our clients will feel uneasy about discussing what happens when they are gone, many will have little knowledge of the complex UK legal frame works involved and even fewer will be aware of any recent legislation changes and how this may affect their inheritance plans.



In today’s world simply writing a will is no longer enough to guarantee our assets will be distributed as we would wish and getting the right advice is paramount. By understanding our clients, their families, and their wishes we are able to present straight forward, tailored solutions.


Free Estate Planning Report

Download a copy of our “Estate Planning Basics” eBook today to start your Estate Planning journey.

We help people just like you protect what matters most

Established experts in Estate Planning and Will Writing services.

About Sanctuary Tax & Trust

For many the idea of estate planning is an unfamiliar concept, not everybody is aware of the benefits of estate planning, and it is often thought of as reserved for families with high wealth values.

Since 2017 we have been working to highlight the ever-increasing need for all families to have a robust inheritance plan and delivering affordable solutions to a broad spectrum of clients.

We believe everybody’s inheritance is important regardless of the size of the estate. Whether it is a family with several properties, businesses and land, or simply the family home, expert advice should be available to secure the families wealth.

That is why all are initial consultations are free of charge with no obligation.

Read the Sanctuary TTS Blog

Protect YOUR Family

Protect YOUR Assets

July 23, 20243 min read

For the vast majority of people, we spend all our lives working to build up wealth from property, savings, pensions and investments. And we hope these assets will provide financial security for our loved ones when we are no longer here.

Your Will stipulates whom you wish to benefit from your assets and how much they should receive, however, if an unexpected event were to occur, the Will does not protect the value of your estate and the amounts left to your loved ones can be significantly diminished.

Protect YOUR assets with a Trust

Where a Will does not protect your assets, Trusts are specifically designed to protect your assets both during your lifetime and for generations to come.

Different Trusts provide different benefits for your family, some of the reasons to protect your assets may be obvious but other reasons you may not be aware of, benefits of a Trust can include but are not limited to:

No Probate or Delays – Probate is required on all estates over £5000, even where there is a Will in place and Solicitors administrating the estate can charge as much as 5% of the value of the estate. Assets held in Trust are not subject to Probate.

Failed Relationships – By “Ring Fencing” your assets for your children, if one were to suffer a relationship failure, their inheritance is protected against any claims to their inheritance by a previous partner or spouse.

Protection for Benefit Dependent Beneficiaries – If assets are inherited by someone who is dependent on benefits, either short term - such as unemployment or long term such as a congenital birth defect, they are unlikely to continue to receive state support. Where assets are owned in Trust your beneficiary would still qualify for state support and be able to benefit from the assets within the Trust.

Protection from Bankruptcy – If you or your beneficiaries are in business you may wish to protect your assets from unforeseen business debts, while a Trust will not stop someone being declared bankrupt, it can avoid your assets being taken to satisfy claims against you or your beneficiaries once you have passed.

No Claims on your Estate – Not all families situations are straight forward the law entitles relatives and dependants to claim “Reasonable Financial Provision” against your estate. Defending the claim can take years and is likely to run up thousands of pounds worth of legal costs. A claim cannot be made against any assets held in Trust.

Generational Inheritance Tax - Married couples who own property and have children have IHT thresholds of £1M, single people who own property and have children have IHT thresholds of £500K. Passing amounts through a Will could create significant IHT losses for your beneficiaries by pushing them over the relevant threshold level. A Trust used correctly will prevent generational IHT.

Sideways Disinheritance - If unfortunately, one of your beneficiaries died younger than expected but after they had inherited from you, their Will or the law would pass the inheritance to their husband or wife. Remarriage would create loss and may mean another family benefits from your assets and not your grandchildren. A Trust would ring fence assets for your bloodline.

Why Sanctuary Tax & Trust Services?

With over 20 years of experience in Estate and Inheritance planning we have helped families in the area protect their assets and plan their inheritance in the most cost-effective way. While the individual family’s circumstance may vary, the one constant is that each family aims to provide the maximum amount of inheritance possible without the stress of complex legal jargon.

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It’s never too early to think about your Estate Planning requirements if you:

  • Own a home or have a mortgage

  • Have savings or assets in cash or shares

  • Are married or have children

  • Have assets to dispose off


Wills from £129

A Will is a signed legal document (by you and witnesses) that lets you decide what happens to your estate; money, property and possessions etc. after your death. Making a Will ensures that when you die your estate is shared according to your wishes.


Lasting Powers of Attorney

A ‘lasting power of attorney’ (LPA) is a document which gives an ‘attorney’ (your representative) legal authority to make decisions on your behalf (you the ‘donor’). Crucially, the power continues after you lose the mental capacity to make decisions for yourself.


Trust and Tax Advice

A Trust enables you to manage your assets (money, investments, land or buildings) so that when you pass away the assets transfer to those you wish to benefit. There are different types of Trusts available providing varying range of benefits.


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